Friday, July 13, 2012

I am Titanium.

I’ve been through a lot lately.
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster these past few weeks.
Big changes were made, that messed with my entire future.
I’m starting over completely.
At first I refused to over come all the things that were going on.
I just wanted to lie in my bed all day.

This is when I remembered God doesn’t give us trials we cannot overcome.

3 And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.

Your Happily Ever After
Trial Is Part of the Journey
For a moment, think back about your favorite fairy tale. In that story the main character may be a princess or a peasant; she might be a mermaid or a milkmaid, a ruler or a servant. You will find one thing all have in common: they must overcome adversity.
Cinderella has to endure her wicked stepmother and evil stepsisters. She is compelled to suffer long hours of servitude and ridicule.
In “Beauty and the Beast,” Belle becomes a captive to a frightful-looking beast in order to save her father. She sacrifices her home and family, all she holds dear, to spend several months in the beast’s castle.

Everywhere you look today, you will find promises of happiness.

The Gospel Is the Way to Happily Ever After
I understand that, at times, some may wonder why they attend Church meetings or why it is so important to read the scriptures regularly or pray to our Heavenly Father daily. Here is my answer: You do these things because they are part of God’s path for you. And that path will take you to your “happily ever after” destination.

The past few weeks I have dedicated every ounce of myself to the gospel. And slowly things have brightened up.
I’m “all alright.”
Things are hard, But in all reality. I’m just fine.
God has a plan for me, that is obviously much better than the one I thought was falling into place.

This sounds incredibly stupid,
But my current motto is:


“I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away!
Ricochet, you take your aim.
Fire away, fire away!
You shoot me down, but I won't fall….
I am titanium.”

I am as strong as I make myself out to be.
With what I am overcoming now, I can literally overcome anything.
Because I am titanium.

I walked though hell and back. I can do anything.

1 comment:

  1. After all those sad tweets, I happy to see this ;) haha. Mahooola, you should know that I just love you. :)
