Friday, November 22, 2013

The Beginning.

"Once upon a time, in a location not so far away, there was a birthday party to be held. Cameron Paul Clark was the main attraction of the party. Attending that party was his long-time friend, Ian William Soane. Little did Ian know, Cameron shared that same date of birth with the one that he would soon fall in love with. Mahala Rae Wheatley is her name. She joined in the festivities of the party, being one of the two in the spotlight, receiving all of the attention. Unfortunately for everyone, her attention was elsewhere. Her spotlight was focused on the longtime friend of her co-birth date celebrator. She followed him everywhere that night, she even danced with him. She may have thought that her efforts were in vain because he did no reciprocate the pursuit. Ian internally acknowledged what was happening between the two of them and it pricked his heart with excitement, he was attracted to her. The party ended without any bang or flare, but with churning thoughts as to what might take place in the future, or what might not. Ian had a plan. Contact was made, he teased, they flirted. Then contact was lost for a time. She was not lost. She knew what she wanted and went after it. One month from the time they met, they went out together. A long drive, a bite to eat and some soft music. It was now his turn to pursue. He did so aggressively. On the night of November tenth, they connected in a way that neither would have expected and one that neither would ever turn away from, ever again.


Are you an angel?
With eyes the colour of the greenest blue.
Could be an angel,
Smallest hope in the darkest mood
Sweet, sweet angel,
Pin of light in the darkest sight, Angel.
Who are you?
I was out walking in despair,
Gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair,
Sky was closing in,
Too many days on adrenaline.
Looking for some way out,
Loneliest ghost in a sea of doubt.
Right when you know you're gonna drown
A hand reaches in.

Are you an angel?

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